Elodie Grievelle


Elodie has spent some while traveling between Coerthas, the Twelveswood, Thanalan, and the Vylbrand as a representative of the Hemlock Apothecaries β€” she forages, trades, and occasionally takes on adventurer work wherever she finds herself. She has spent little time in Ishgard itself, only returning for brief periods before departing for travel once again.One might even surmise that she is trying to be less visible within the bounds of the nation she loves...

Free Company...
Golden Oak <<OAK>>
crystal data center Β» balmung Β» mist Β» ward 6 Β» plot 30


Elodie Grievelle
The Holy See of Ishgard
Trader | Apothecary | Sellsword
Late twenties
Ice | Light | Umbral


Elodie Grievelle is short for an Elezen, standing just shy of six fulm in height. She is lanky and muscular, her adult years having been filled with the strenuous and mobile work of an Ishgardian outrider. Her hair is a soft gray-violet and worn long, her eyes are glacier blue.She dresses modestly and practically, preferring breeches and coats over skirts and corsets (though opting for the latter, sometimes, when attending formal occasions). When a situation calls for action, she wears an old set of armour, a holdover from her time as a soldier for the Holy See.Though her countenance might be described as icy or stiff, Elodie isn't quiet or reserved. And while she does speak her mind with ease, she is slow to bare any of her more personal feelings or motivations, preferring instead to let business dealings or immediate concerns guide her conversations.


Elodie is the child of an Ishgardian Knight-Captain and a chirurgeon, and when she came of age, she followed her fathers' examples by joining the military of the Holy See and aiding in the nation's defense during the Dragonsong War. Her studious mind and sharp attention for details allowed her to find success in her service, much to the pride of her fathers.Near the war's end, however, events transpired that saw Elodie discharged from the service of the Holy See, and her parents declared killed after a duration spent missing. She has harbored intense, vitriolic hatred for the Ishgardian Orthodox Church since this time.While she was listless and despairing immediately following these events, she was eventually taken in with a like-tempered group of apothecaries and traders, with whom she now operates throughout Coerthas and elsewhere.

Character Inspiration

  • Lady Maria of the Astral Clocktower, Bloodborne

  • Jill Warrick, Final Fantasy XVI

  • Agrias Oaks, Final Fantasy Tactics

  • Sabine Wren, Star Wars: Rebels

  • The worldbuilding of IPs such as Elden Ring, and Dark Souls.

In her twenty and more years of age, Elodie has found her way into certain traits and skills. As the child of a knight of Ishgard and an apothecary, she was exposed to tenets such as honor, oathkeeping, devotion, and rigor from a young age. And when she later served as an outrider for the standing forces of House Haillenarte, she had the opportunity to hone these values.

Pale Sisters
From where Elodie gained this pair of straightswords is known only to her. The blades match one another to the quick and were clearly smithed to function in tandem, one in each hand, or combined at the hilt. This style of fighting β€”Β as well as the necessary training – were never part of her learning while in House Haillenarte, so it can only be surmised that they came into Elodie's possession during her weary living following her dismissal.

Storm's Tear
An ornate estoc, constructed of conductive alloys and aether-rich crystal. Elodie acquired the blade as a tourney prize during her service to House Haillenarte, after which she immediately began training in its use. After becoming more familiar with certain magicks in the intervening years, she began pairing it with a crystal focus, resulting in bolstered and more articulate strength in her spellcasting.

Rime-Kissed Blade
With sufficient effort, Elodie is capable of "overloading" her weapons with ice aether, allowing umbral magicks to accelerate rapidly through her crystal focus and greatly amplifying her casting potency. Only her attunement with her weapons keeps her from being harmed by it, as contact with the blade is capable of burning flesh or shattering lesser steels. The technique is, however, horribly taxing for Elodie's body and her innate aether.

Her chocobo has been with her for half of her life, and in many ways, is the only thing remaining from her family as she once knew it. For Elodie, Eirwen is much more akin to a sibling than a steed.

Though Elodie's trade carries her throughout the entirety of the Holy See of Ishgard, and frequently much further abroad, she does maintain a small, discrete home of her own. It is registered through another's name, but Elodie is it's only inhabitant, and a fiercely protective one at that.
((Ingleside Subdivision; Ward 23; Room #18 - Come visit! ))

The Hemlock Apothecaries

The Hemlock Apothecaries are a cooperatively owned and operated organization that sprung up in the final years of the Dragonsong War. Before the Holy See of Ishgard opened its gates to the wider continent of Aldenard, the Hemlocks were already smuggling goods in and out of the city and its territories, with Ishgardian soldiers and church clergy among their highest paying customers.Now, they are spreading their trade further, providing everything from potions and poultices to herbs and smoking greens to clients across Aldenard. Their work has been quite successful, and while earnings are by no means life-changing for any of the group, they are enough. While Coerthas remains the "home base" for this small group, many of its members are spending more time abroad.One must wonder, though β€” why are the Hemlocks so selective about who joins their number, and how did these numbers of Ishgard's dispossessed come together in the first place?

The Price of Justice

The Hemlock Apothecaries may operate a legitimate business... but they are far more than what they present. These are a group of people who have each been severely, nigh irreparably harmed by higher elements of the Holy See of Ishgard, and will go to great lengths to see fulfilled the justice they feel they are owed. They have killed, destroyed reputations, and seek to consistently undermine the Ishgardian Orthodox Church, to prevent it from gaining even a shred more power.A better nation cannot be had unless the corruption is torn out root and stem.

Isenbend & the Soul Crystal

After being dismissed from her service in Ishgard, Elodie went into a self-imposed exile in the Coerthas and Dravanian wilds. During roughly the same time that she found herself falling into league with Ishgard's heretics, she also came face-to-face with the dragon, Isenbend.The two initially fought, Elodie was defeated. But moments before Isenbend would deliver a mortal blow, she revealed a portion of her past that bent the dragon's ear, instead, and created an agreement between the two... as well as a new oath for Elodie.She was gifted a Soul Crystal and armements that Isenbend had been holding in his possession, which once belonged to a centuries-dead knight of the Holy See. From this soul crystal, Elodie has learned specific umbral magic techniques, and over time, she has used the crystal's memories to augment and expand her fighting repertoire.Her connection to Isenbend, her possession of the soul crystal, and the oath she swore to this dragon are all carefully guarded secrets β€” currently, only one other person on the face of Etheirys knows any of this.

If any of the below are possible hooks that might allow our characters to meet, please do take advantage of them!Or, if you believe your character might have met Elodie previously in life, let's talk it out β€” I enjoy building out pre-existing character relationships!


  • ✻ Elodie is skilled with a sword and has competent (albeit limited) magickal skill β€”Β she has worked as a sellsword in the past, and likely will again. However, her rigid ideals and devotion to her homeland of Ishgard occasionally stand in the way of some work that is offered.

  • ✻ Living under the roof of a chirurgeon has imparted to her extensive knowledge of herbalism, potion-making, and medicines β€” crafts she continues to practice presently.

  • ✻ A former Ishgardian outrider makes for an unconventional traveling trader and apothecary but Elodie's partners, in the Hemlock Apothecaries, make for an equally unconventional group. And while she's frequently a homesick traveler, she has been venturing further out into the realm more frequently.


  • ✻ Blame her proximity to the continent's best chocobo handlers... but Elodie loves chocobos β€” she enjoys them more than most people, and will always come to the defense of 'bos and those who treat them well. Her own steed, Eirwen is a cherished companion.

  • ✻ Though her closest-held reasons for the interest might be kept secret, Elodie pursues mythology and folklore β€” from the true history of Saint Shiva to legends of the gods themselves, the mysterious, esoteric, and historical are all things that might pique her interest quickly.

  • ✻ Dragons. Yes, dragons. Not the hunting of them, or combat with them, but the beings themselves β€”Β their culture, their existence, their very being. Dragons.

  • ✻ One of the belongings left to Elodie by her fathers is an old astrolabe. She hasn't the faintest inkling how to put it to use, but someday, she would like to learn.


  • ✻ Coerthas is where Elodie was raised, and she knows its people and places exceptionally well (not to mention her familiarity with every groove of her landscape). One could scarcely ask for a better guide or escort through the territory, or a more capable "second hand" for sellsword work in the region.

  • ✻ She loves her city with all her heart, despite misgivings about those in power. As such, Elodie was once a loyal sword for The Holy See of Ishgard, and she yet considers herself to be a servant.

  • ✻ Though she'd be loathe to admit it, she very much wishes to explore β€” to see lands and people that she has only heard about. Though Elodie has made every effort to be well-read, she has not ventured much beyond Eorzea and its surrounding isles. In many (complicated) ways, the only thing standing in her way is herself...


Information About Me!

Thanks for taking the time to read through this character profile! I care about my characters (and their connections) quite a lot! :) I'm a mid-thirties he/they with a full-time job and my time spent building and developing characters and stories is quite important to me.Though Elodie Grievelle puts forth a great deal of effort to appear above-board and unassuming, many of her current motivations are borne of desire for revenge and justice.Why belabor this point? Because there is a good chance for Elodie's bonds and friendships to become soured. Perhaps not forever... but in ways that are dramatic and fractious. In other words... delicious RP!

Things I Enjoy

  • Dark and mature storylines and storytelling β€”Β the places Elodie is going are likely to be colored by violence, betrayals, and awful events. That said... dark stories are not worth telling unless they're used to illustrate the importance of hope and healing!

  • Long stories and compelling character associations β€” one-off's are fine, but I'm more interested in developing meaningful connections between Elodie and other characters.

  • Lore-adherent or lore-bending characters β€”Β sometimes, the rules are made to be bent! However, collaborative fun like RP works because of shared respect for the coherence of the world we're playing in. Don't break it, please!

  • "Mid" or "low-power" characters! I'm not really interested in RPing with "power levels," Warriors of Light, or characters that can arm-wrestle gods and win. I like my characters down in the dirt, thank you!

  • Respect for OOC / IC boundaries! It shouldn't need to be said, but I am not my character, and my character is not me. Any attempt to conflate the two is an enormous red flag, for me.

  • Friendship! I like to get to know the folks I'm RPing with over time, since people matter more to me than characters.

  • 21+ roleplayers only, please β€” that goes for all scenes and interactions, regardless of content.

Things I DON'T Enjoy

  • Unchecked character death or maiming β€” communication is everything, so please let's talk through anything this severe that happens in RP.

  • OOC drama β€”Β I do not have time, energy, or attention for this, and I've been alive long enough to see the different flavors it can take.

  • Easy pursuits β€” romance is unlikely and ERP is not happening.

  • Racism, homophobia, transphobia, sexism, or ableism β€”Β none of these are welcome at my table. Themes of oppression or prejudice in RP should be used tactfully and with awareness, or I will shut it down.